A collection of simple examples and links to my commercial projects demonstrating some of my data science abilities.
DATA PRODUCTS & solutions: https://www.clubready.club
As iKizmet’s Lead Data Scientist I provide ongoing end-to-end development of data products including dynamic reporting, interactive web apps and customer-facing business intelligence metrics and tools. I conceptualize and propose new products, research the primary literature and develop the necessary algorithms. I then code these into on-demand business objects for thousands of fitness studios. Examples include: financial forecasting, customer lifetime value and churn prediction, and industry peer comparison.
More and more web technologies are speaking JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) when sharing data and information. json2env is an R package I created to allow easy communication between R functions and interacting languages.
Governments, including municipalities, are increasingly sharing their data; however, additional interpretation and visualization are usually required to be of use to the average person.
Here, I’ve scraped a static list of waste-oil recyclers from a municipal website and created an interactive map that allows users to more easily find their nearest providers.
Natural Language Processing: Predictive Text
Data science is commonly used to solve a class of problems dealing with languages, known as Natural Language Processing. This includes things like translation, text-to-speech and semantic analysis.
Here I present a project I completed for the Coursera Data Science Capstone by Johns Hopkins University on Coursera (view certificate). The goal was to develop a predictive text algorithm and wrap it in a simple web app demonstration interface.
The challenge with text prediction is balancing accuracy with speed of execution.